Another Ldotter. . .
. . .has been added to the blogroll with esgaroth's Tributaries. On first glance, it strikes me as a lively, well-written blog worth checking out on a regular basis. She had this to say about my good fortune at landing on the front page:
I have to admit a certain beaming pride -- who wouldn't be proud? As for "tagging along" -- we're all in this together. The more the merrier.
Good luck with the blog! Looks and reads great!
"~ Pajama Pack has made the Big Time on Lcom...damn, I'm jealous as hell. Can I tag along?"
I have to admit a certain beaming pride -- who wouldn't be proud? As for "tagging along" -- we're all in this together. The more the merrier.
Good luck with the blog! Looks and reads great!
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