The Drudge. . .
. . .link to the Newsweek tease about Teresa Heinz-Kerry's hypochondria led me to further reading, where I encountered the following:
So, I thought to myself, "Say, that reminds me. . ."
I looked in my archives for an entry that I wrote about "Team Clinton" in the first few days of the blog, and I found it here. Wonder how close I was, timing-wise?
"The Clintonista 'Coups.' At several critical junctures Kerry's campaign (and the candidate himself), struggled to find sure footing. Following the missteps of August, Clinton veteran James Carville confronted Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill, telling her she had to step aside and let newly arrived Joe Lockhart run the campaign. So worked up, Carville began to cry, imploring Cahill: 'You've got to let him do it." Carville continued, "Nobody can gain power without someone losing power.' Carville threatened to go on 'Meet the Press' the next day 'and tell the truth about how bad it is' if Cahill didn't give effective control to Lockhart.
So, I thought to myself, "Say, that reminds me. . ."
I looked in my archives for an entry that I wrote about "Team Clinton" in the first few days of the blog, and I found it here. Wonder how close I was, timing-wise?
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