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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Aww, damn. . .

. . .Jim Jeffords is hanging up his turncoat. I'm glad to see the guy leaving the Senate. Between Democrats and Republicans, there's already plenty of unprincipled political hustlers occupying "the world's greatest legislative body". I see no need to keep one around who tries to elevate his image by labeling himself an "Independent". At least the Dems and Pubs comport themselves in a manner suggestive of escort service ladies. A Senate "Independent" is more akin to your garden variety street corner strumpet who responds to the furtive glances of slow-passing drivers and asks, "Lookin' for a date, baby?"

It is regrettable that he's leaving for health reasons, however. And I do wish him the best as far as that's concerned.

My first full week. . .

. . .on the job was great. I have no complaints except the standard ones, like getting up in the morning. But even that has been a lot easier knowing that I'm getting paid for doing it. And, to be honest, it's nice to feel like a fully productive member of society again. Now, I have only one question -- how the hell do you follow up on a blog entry like my last one?

I guess the answer is you don't. You just keep writing.

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